Be sure to mark your calendars for these great events.
Start Date | End Date | Event | Location |
01/04/25 | 01/05/25 | DataFocus | Zagreb, HR |
01/25/25 | 01/25/25 | DBA Inaugural Dinner & Dance | Dallas, TX |
01/27/25 | 01/28/25 | World Litigation Forum - Dubai | Dubai, UAE |
01/28/25 | 01/29/25 | Global IP Exchange USA | Austin, TX |
01/29/25 | 02/03/25 | ABA Midyear Meeting - Phoenix | Phoenix, AZ |
01/30/25 | 01/30/25 | North Carolina Bar 2025 Antitrust & Complex Business Disputes Section Annual Meeting | Cary, NC |
02/01/25 | 02/05/25 | NSA Winter Legislative & Technology Conference | Washington DC |
02/04/25 | 02/04/25 | Masters Conference - Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA |
02/05/25 | 02/07/25 | TechNet Fort Liberty Symposium & Exposition | Fort Liberty, NC |
02/10/25 | 02/14/25 | Magnet Virtual Summit | Virtual Conference |
02/10/25 | 02/12/25 | NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit - Miami Beach | Miami, FL |
02/11/25 | 02/13/25 | ISS World Middle East and Africa | Dubai, UAE |
02/12/25 | 02/13/25 | UF Law E-Discovery Conference | Gainesville, FL |
02/12/25 | 02/13/25 | University of Florida Law eDiscovery Conference - Gainesville | Gainesville, FL |
02/18/25 | 02/18/25 | Masters Conference - Miami | Miami, FL |
02/19/25 | 02/19/25 | Ondata Congress & Expo | Madrid, ES |
02/20/25 | 02/21/25 | ACI Life Sciences AI Summit | New York, NY |
02/21/25 | 02/18/25 | Milipol | Paris, FR |
02/26/25 | 02/27/25 | Digital Investigations Conference | Zurich, CH |
02/27/25 | 02/27/25 | SOLID San Francisco | San Francisco, CA |
03/05/25 | 03/08/25 | ACAN Annual Meeting | Washington DC |
03/05/25 | 03/05/25 | Masters Conference - Dallas | Dallas, TC |
03/05/25 | 03/05/25 | NUIX XLR8 - Frankfurt | Frankfurt, DE |
03/06/25 | 03/06/25 | Law Rocks Dallas | Dallas, TX |
03/06/25 | 03/07/25 | The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 Annual Meeting | Los Angeles, CA |
03/11/25 | 03/11/25 | British Legal Technology Forum (BLTF) | London, UK |
03/11/25 | 03/12/25 | Global IP Exchange Europe | Berlin, DE |
03/11/25 | 03/13/25 | Security & Policing | Farnborough, UK |
03/12/25 | 03/14/25 | ABA Bar Leadership Institute | Chicago, IL |
03/12/25 | 03/13/25 | Annual Cyber Liability Insurance ExecuSummit - Uncasville, CT | Uncasville, CT |
03/13/25 | 03/13/25 | NUIX XLR8 - Singapore | Singapore |
03/16/25 | 03/19/25 | ROCIC Spring Conference | Destin, FL |
03/17/25 | 03/19/25 | Magnet User Summit | Nashville, TN |
03/18/25 | 03/19/25 | NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit - Toronto | Toronto, ON |
03/20/25 | 03/22/25 | Law Rocks Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA |
03/24/25 | 03/25/25 | ACC Foundation Cybersecurity Summit | Los Angeles, CA |
03/24/25 | 03/27/25 | ALM Legalweek | New York, NY |
03/31/25 | 04/02/25 | AIIM Global Summit | Atlanta, GA |
03/31/25 | 04/03/25 | Cellebrite -C2C summit Washington DC march 3/31-4/3 | |
03/31/25 | 04/03/25 | Cellubrite -C2C summit Washington DC march 3/31-4/3 | |
04/01/25 | 04/04/25 | Black Hat Asia 2024 | Singapore |
04/01/25 | 04/02/25 | Corporate Counsel and Compliance Exchange | London, UK |
04/01/25 | 04/04/25 | DFRWS EU | Brno, CZ |
04/01/25 | 04/04/25 | Future Lawyer UK | London, UK |
04/01/25 | 04/04/25 | Future Lawyer Week UK | London, UK |
04/02/25 | 04/04/25 | ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting | Washington DC |
04/02/25 | 04/05/25 | ABA TECHSHOW | Chicago, IL |
04/03/25 | 04/03/25 | Digital Investigations Conference | Munich, DE |
04/03/25 | 04/03/25 | Masters Conference - UK | London, UK |
04/08/25 | 04/08/25 | Law Rocks Chicago | Chicago, IL |
04/08/25 | 04/08/25 | Relativity Fest - Sydney | Sydney, AU |
04/10/25 | 04/11/25 | Fifth World Legal Operations Summit - Berlin | Berlin, Germany |
04/10/25 | 04/10/25 | Law Rocks Houston | Houston, TX |
04/10/25 | 04/10/25 | Masters Conference - Washington DC | Washington DC |
04/10/25 | 04/10/25 | SOLID Chicago | Chicago, IL |
04/23/25 | 04/24/25 | IAPP Global Privacy Summit | Washington DC |
04/23/25 | 04/23/25 | Private Foundation Summit - Georgetown Law | Washington DC |
04/24/25 | 04/25/25 | 2025 Conference on Representing & Managing Tax-Exempt Organizations - Georgetown Law | Washington DC |
04/24/25 | 04/24/25 | Law Rocks San Francisco | San Francisco, CA |
04/24/25 | 04/25/25 | The Sedona Conference Working Group 1 Midyear Meeting | Minneapolis, MN |
04/28/25 | 04/30/25 | InfoNext Conference | Savannah, GA |
04/28/25 | 05/01/25 | RSA Conference 2024 | San Francisco, CA |
04/28/25 | 4/29/25 | The Alternative In-House Technology Summit | Marlow, UK |
04/28/25 | 04/29/25 | World Litigation Forum - Bahrain | Bahrain |
05/05/25 | 05/08/25 | CLOC Global Institute | Las Vegas, NV |
05/05/25 | 05/08/25 | CLOC Global Institute | Las Vegas, NV |
05/07/25 | 05/06/25 | Privacy + Security Forum - Spring Academy - Washington DC | Washington DC |
05/12/25 | 05/14/25 | Women in E-Discovery Conference | Chicago, IL |
05/13/25 | 05/15/25 | ARMA Canada Information Conference | Montreal, QC |
05/13/25 | 05/15/25 | NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit - San Diego | San Diego, CA |
05/20/25 | 05/20/25 | Masters Conference - Chicago | Chicago, IL |
05/21/25 | 05/23/25 | ACC Chief Legal Officer Global Summit | Barcelona, ES |
05/21/25 | 05/23/25 | ACC Europe Annual Conference | Barcelona, ES |
06/02/25 | 06/06/25 | London International Disputes Week (LIDW) | London, UK |
06/03/25 | 06/05/25 | Techno Security & Digital Forensics | Wilmington, NC |
06/03/25 | 06/05/25 | Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference - East | Wilmington, NC |
06/10/25 | 06/10/25 | Relativity Fest - London | London, UK |
06/10/25 | 06/11/25 | The Alternative In-House Technology Europe Summit | Malaga, ES |
06/13/25 | 06/13/25 | Masters Conference - San Francisco | San Francisco, CA |
06/16/25 | 06/17/25 | Lexpo - The Legal Innovation Event | Amsterdam, NL |
06/19/25 | 06/20/25 | State Bar of Texas - Annual Meeting | San Antonio, TX |
06/24/25 | 06/24/25 | Masters Conference - Denver | Atlanta, GA |
07/09/25 | 07/10/25 | RISK New York | New York NY |
07/22/25 | 07/22/25 | Masters Conference - New York City | New York, NY |
07/24/25 | 07/25/25 | State Bar of Texas - Bar Leaders Conference | Houston, TX |
08/02/25 | 08/07/25 | Black Hat USA | Las Vegas, NV |
08/06/25 | 08/12/25 | ABA Annual Meeting - Toronto | Chicago, IL |
08/10/25 | 08/12/25 | CACP Info & Tech | Victoria, BC |
08/10/25 | 08/14/25 | ILTACON - Nashville | Nashville, TN |
09/02/25 | 09/05/25 | RLLB | Las Vegas, NV |
09/09/25 | 09/11/25 | Exterro XChange | Denver, CO |
09/11/25 | 09/11/25 | Law Rocks Washington DC | Washington DC |
09/15/25 | 9/16/25 | The Alternative Legal Management Summit | Bedfordshire, UK |
09/16/25 | 09/17/25 | The Alternative Legal IT Conference 2024 - Bedfordshire | Bedfordshire, UK |
09/24/25 | 09/24/25 | Masters Conference - Charlotte | Charlotte, NC |
09/24/25 | 09/25/25 | World Litigation Forum - Europe | Amsterdam, NL |
09/25/25 | 09/25/25 | Law Rocks Atlanta | Atlanta, GA |
09/25/25 | 09/25/25 | SOLID New York | New York, NY |
09/26/25 | 09/27/25 | 12th Annual Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit - Georgetown Law | Washington DC |
09/26/25 | 09/27/25 | Annual Hotel & Lodging Legal Summit - Georgetown Law | Washington DC |
09/26/25 | 09/26/25 | Masters Conference - Boston | Boston, MA |
10/06/25 | 10/08/25 | NetDiligence Cyber Risk Summit - Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA |
10/06/25 | 10/07/25 | The Sedona Conference Working Group 12 Annual Meeting | Atlanta, GA |
10/07/25 | 10/09/25 | Relativity Fest - Chicago | Chicago, IL |
10/14/25 | 10/14/25 | Masters Conference - Philadelphia | Philadelphia, PA |
10/15/25 | 10/17/25 | Annual EDI Leadership Summit - Hyatt Regency Tamaya New Mexico | Ft Lauderdale, FL |
10/16/25 | 10/16/25 | Law Rocks Seattle | Seattle, WA |
10/19/25 | 10/22/15 | ACC Annual Meeting | Philadelphia, PA |
10/22/25 | 10/25/25 | RISK North America | Los Angeles, CA |
10/23/25 | 10/23/25 | Masters Conference - Seattle | Seattle, WA |
10/27/25 | 10/29/25 | Techno Security & Digital Forensics | San Diego, CA |
10/27/25 | 10/29/25 | Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference - West | San Diego, CA |
10/28/25 | 10/29/25 | InfoGov World Conference | San Diego, CA |
11/06/25 | 11/06/25 | SOLID Atlanta | Atlanta, GA |
11/12/25 | 11/14/25 | Annual GICLI Annual Meeting - Hyatt Regency Tamaya New Mexico | Santa Ana Pueblo, NM |
11/12/25 | 11/13/25 | Law Rocks New York | New York, NY |
11/12/25 | 11/12/25 | Masters Conference - Atlanta | Atlanta, GA |
11/20/25 | 11/20/25 | Law Rocks Miami | Miami, FL |
12/04/25 | 12/04/25 | Law Rocks Phoenix | Phoenix, AZ |
12/04/25 | 12/04/25 | National E-Discovery Day | USA |
12/10/25 | 12/11/25 | RISK Dubai | Dubai, UAE |
TBD | TBD | ABA Cross-Border Institute 2024 | TBD |
TBD | TBD | Annual eDiscovery Institute - Georgetown Law | Washington DC |
TBD | TBD | CIIS | Virtual Conference |
TBD | TBD | Complex Litigation Forum (CLEF) Conference | TBD |
TBD | TBD | DBA Bench Bar | TBD |
TBD | TBD | DEX-XL | Netherlands |
TBD | TBD | EDI Mid-Year Meeting | TBD |
TBD | TBD | Masters Conference - Toronto | Toronto, ON |
TBD | TBD | Privacy + Security Forum - Fall Academy - Washington DC | Washington DC |